I Have Become an Amazon Influencer and Now I Can Sell Products Live on Amazon.

J Bruce Jones
4 min readJan 20, 2023
Bruce Jones’s New Amazon shop

So maybe I am the only person that cares about this, but I think this is huge. The potential is massive. I have become an Amazon Influencer. I guess I reached that mark in my life. This morning I read an article on Medium by Adrian Brambila about, Making Money Without Selling Stuff on Amazon. It is on how to get set up with being an Amazon Influencer. This enables you to do Live streaming broadcasts from Amazon, with product tie-ins. This is super cool. I have a lot of books on Amazon and this means that I can broadcast right from Amazon and talk about them. It also means you can talk about any product. Basically, creating your own QVC. Seems doable.

Ok, things you need.

  • You need an Amazon Affiliate account, I have had one for years, brings in about $3.00 per month. Free, just sign up.
  • Second, you need to have a presence on social media, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or YouTube. The required numbers aren’t all that high. 500 on Instagram and I don’t know about the others. I didn’t succeed with Instagram, don’t know why, though I have enough followers. But this did get me to convert my Instagram account from personal to business/creative. It seems I do have enough on TikTok, 618 as of today. Success.
  • Then you have to upload your profile…



J Bruce Jones

J. Bruce Jones writes about self-publishing, creating products and his long distance hikes. Learn more at https://www.brucejonesdesign.com/